2017 Year end update

January 1, 2018 marks the 20th anniversary of InFocus Ministries! 20 years ago we were preparing to leave the student ministry at First Baptist Church, Levelland, take a leap of faith and launch InFocus Ministries on January 1, 1998. I can’t believe it’s been 20 years! Back then we were scared to death, excited beyond belief and just dumb enough to jump out there and see what God had planned for us. It has been the journey of a lifetime! I can’t believe God still let’s us do this! I wish I knew how many lives have been impacted and changed. I don’t know the numbers but I know it’s a lot. I know I’ve preached to half-a-million teenagers in 39 states and God only knows how many teenagers have been saved. I can’t wait to get to heaven and meet every one of them!

Looking back it is so easy and amazing to see how God has guided us, opened doors for us, and provided for us. He has been more than faithful to fill my schedule and meet our needs over these 20 years and I have no doubt He will do the same in the future.

For several years now we have been a totally faith based ministry willing to work with any group of any size regardless of what they are able to pay. It has been amazing, envigorating, terrifying, and incredibly rewarding all at the same time trusting God week to week not knowing what a church will be able to do and one way or another God always provides. Many times you have been a vessel through which He has provided and I want to personally thank you for that.

That is why we are asking you to prayerfully consider continuing to be that vessel in the future. So if you feel led to join us in reaching teenagers for Christ, please consider us in your year-end giving or partnering with us as you feel led. Donations can be made through runks.com/donate where you can make a one time donation or set up a recurring monthly donation, or you can always send a check to InFocus Ministries, 1006 Cactus Dr., Levelland, TX 79336.   All donations are tax deductible.

We are so thankful for your prayers, your friendship, and your support.We couldn’t do this without you! It’s been an awesome 20 years. I hope God gives us 20 more!

Merry Christmas and God Bless y’all!!

Runks & Joanna

Summer 2017 anthem

This song combined with the way God moved each week when I shared how God brought me back from abuse & addiction was the theme of the summer!! I have never seen God use my story the way He did this summer! 300+ kids came forward and found hope, freedom, and salvation! Y’all, God is so good and it is so humbling to see God move mountains in teenagers lives when they hear how He has moved mountains in mine!

#AllGlorytoHim #JesusSavesYall


Year end update 2016

It has been another incredible year for us here at InFocus ministries! I have been to 12 different states, shared the Gospel with thousands of teenagers, and seen a “bunch of teenagers get saved” in all 12 of those states! There is no doubt in our minds that this incredible year is a direct result of God leading us last year to make some changes in the way we handle the business side of this ministry.  Beginning in mid summer of 2015 we made the commitment to go to any church of any size regardless of what they are able to pay.  We have always been willing to work with people to make events happen but in the last year we have taken that to a whole ‘nother level! Our prayer has become simply: “God, fill my schedule and meet our needs!”

Ministry-wise it has been the best thing we have ever done. I have had more events and seen more teens saved and lives changed than ever before. God is on the move and it is amazing to watch Him work in this generation.   I can’t begin to tell you how awesome it is to share this experience with you via Facebook. Each time I share about teens getting saved it’s so awesome celebrating with y’all via likes and comments.

Financially it has been a journey, as week to week we step out in faith not always knowing what each church will be able to pay. Over and over again God has been faithful to take care of us. Sometimes more kids sign up than ever before and the church is able to meet the goal. Other times the church is unable to meet the goal but we receive a donation that makes up the difference.

We are asking you to prayerfully consider being that difference.

If you feel led to join us in reaching teenagers for Christ, please consider us in your year-end giving or partnering with us as you feel led. Donations can be made online here or you can send a check to InFocus Ministries, 1006 Cactus Dr., Levelland, TX 79336.   All donations are tax deductible.

We are so thankful for your prayers, your friendship, and your support.

Merry Christmas and God Bless y’all!!

Runks & Joanna


2011 in the books

Its been another great year for InFocus Ministries.  I’ve done events in 9 states, spoken to more students in one year than ever before, 20,000+, seen God do absolutely amazing things in the lives of hurting teenagers, and was able to schedule around and see Nick play all 10 of his football games!  God has been so good and we are so thankful for all that He is doing in and through this ministry.  I can’t believe he lets me do it!
           We are enjoying a short break and getting ready for things to crank back up in January.  Subscribe to my blog and follow me on Facebook and Twitter for up to the minutes updates on what God is doing.  
Thanks for your prayers and support!
Merry Christmas Y’all!!! – Runks

“Mercy in the Middle”

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The song in the video – “Ask Me” by Amy Grant has served as an incredible sense of encouragement and hope to me in my recovery from childhood sexual abuse. I cannot tell you how many times I have listened to it, over and over again, celebrating the hope and freedom Jesus has brought to my life over the past few years. My favorite line in the song is towards the end where it says,

“He’s in the middle of her pain. He’s in the middle of her shame. He’s in the middle…….

Mercy in the middle.”

What it means to me is that our God of mercy brings comfort to us in the midst of our deepest, darkest moments (see II Corinthians 1:3-4). I’ve come to believe and know that God was with me, bringing mercy and comfort to me when I was locked in a closet as a 7 year old enduring the horrors of sexual abuse. He was with me through years I kept it a secret. He was even there with me when I chose to medicate my pain in so many unhealthy ways. He was with me in 2005 when I finally began the process of working through and overcoming the horrors of my past. Every step of the way God has been there with me bringing “mercy in the middle.” And God can do the same thing for you! No matter what you have faced in your past or face in your present, God is there with you bringing you “mercy in the middle.” No matter how painful or shameful your situation may be – YOU ARE NOT ALONE! God is there with you ready and able to lead you out of the darkness. It won’t be easy and it will take a lot of hard work but not near as much work as it takes to live with shame. Trust me, it is so worth it! Freedom is a beautiful thing and you too can live in the freedom God has for you. If you need professional help check out The Heart Matters counseling center. These are the people who led me out of the darkness! I’ll leave you with a prayer I pray daily:

“God send your mercy in the middle to the abused and addicted still suffering alone. Use me to lead them out of the darkness.”

I’m praying for you!
God bless ya – Runks