• What's going on!

    2017 Year end update

    January 1, 2018 marks the 20th anniversary of InFocus Ministries! 20 years ago we were preparing to leave the student ministry at First Baptist Church, Levelland, take a leap of faith and launch InFocus Ministries on January 1, 1998. I can’t believe it’s been 20 years! Back then we were scared to death, excited beyond belief and just dumb enough to jump out there and see what God had planned for us. It has been the journey of a lifetime! I can’t believe God still let’s us do this! I wish I knew how many lives have been impacted and changed. I don’t know the numbers but I know it’s a lot. I know I’ve preached to half-a-million teenagers in 39 states and God only knows how many teenagers have been saved. I can’t wait to get to heaven and meet every one of them!

    Looking back it is so easy and amazing to see how God has guided us, opened doors for us, and provided for us. He has been more than faithful to fill my schedule and meet our needs over these 20 years and I have no doubt He will do the same in the future.

    For several years now we have been a totally faith based ministry willing to work with any group of any size regardless of what they are able to pay. It has been amazing, envigorating, terrifying, and incredibly rewarding all at the same time trusting God week to week not knowing what a church will be able to do and one way or another God always provides. Many times you have been a vessel through which He has provided and I want to personally thank you for that.

    That is why we are asking you to prayerfully consider continuing to be that vessel in the future. So if you feel led to join us in reaching teenagers for Christ, please consider us in your year-end giving or partnering with us as you feel led. Donations can be made through runks.com/donate where you can make a one time donation or set up a recurring monthly donation, or you can always send a check to InFocus Ministries, 1006 Cactus Dr., Levelland, TX 79336.   All donations are tax deductible.

    We are so thankful for your prayers, your friendship, and your support.We couldn’t do this without you! It’s been an awesome 20 years. I hope God gives us 20 more!

    Merry Christmas and God Bless y’all!!

    Runks & Joanna

  • Back in the Day,  Crazy stuff

    I was blogging before blogging was cool….

    And then I just quit blogging….  I didn’t call it  a blog back then because  I’d never even heard of a blog.  I don’t know if anybody had.  I just called it my “Online Journal” and had no idea how far ahead of the curve I was.  I don’t know why I quit.  I just did.  It was way before WordPress or blogspot.  Nobody could subscribe or leave comments so I had no idea, at the time, if anybody was even reading it so I just gave it up.  I found out years later that a few people were actually reading and enjoying my old school blog.  I wish I would have known that then, maybe I would have kept it going but oh well,  Whatcha gonna do??

    It has been really fun to reread these old Journal posts and walk through the days when I was just getting started in this phase of my ministry.  The posts about my Dad’s cancer and death were especially interesting and I plan to revisit them and look at how things have changed in the 10 years since he passed.  The goofy post about planting all those trees is also funny to me now because those trees are 15 feet tall now and Elli & Nick are nearly grown!  There is a lot of perspective on that one I couldn’t have begun to see at the time.  I’ll revisit these topics, the I Have a Reason stuff, and more in upcoming blogs.

    If you want a good laugh check out the Old School Runks.com where these Journal posts were actually posted.  I was doing the website myself and had no idea what I was doing.  It’s so bad it looks like a website straight out of the 8O’s! hahahhahha

    I don’t really know how to end this thing so I guess I’ll just “kick it old school” and go out like I did back in the day!

    God Bless ya – Runks