Facey Spaces, Tweety Tweets, & Parents
Want to get parents more involved in your student ministry or at least help them be included in the experiences their teens have in your ministry?? Northview Baptist Church in Lewisville, Texas may have found a way to do just that. During their recent DiscipleNow they tweeted out updates about what was happening during the weekend. It was a blow by blow explanation of just about everything that happened during the weekend including the crazy games being played, the worship songs we sang, and even snippets of my messages – all in real time! They had done this from their camp last summer and the parents told me it was awesome to be able to keep up with what was happening with their kids while they were away and made it easier to get them to share their experience when they got home.
Northview just used twitter for this but I think it would be a great idea to use your student ministry fan page for updates as well since most parents are on facebook anyway and you wouldn’t have to convince them to join twitter to participate.
As a parent of teenagers myself, it drives me nuts how hard it is to get two words out of my kids about their experiences in the student ministry. Tweeting out what is happening would give us parents some specific information to ask about and hopefully better engage our kids when they get home. I’d love it if I could ask them what they thought about the message on the Prodigal Son on Tuesday night or the mud pit relays on Thursday afternoon instead of being limited to just asking, “how was camp?” I really hope our Student Pastor is reading this! hint, hint…. hahaha
God Bless Y’all – Runks
“Why Runks, Why” – April 25, 2010
Join me now for a little recap of my crazy life on the road I like to call, “Why Runks, Why.”
-Jesus > me Refuge 2010 • First Baptist Church, Portland, TX
-Working with my old friends Josh & Stacy McClary to help them resurrect the Student Ministry in their new church.
-another smaller event with lots of one on one time with more students.
-lots of unchurched teens and 2 of them giving their lives to Christ!
-After the worship and before I preached, Josh had the students come up, lay hands on me, pray for me, and for God to speak to them through me. I’ve never experienced that before and it was AWESOME!!
-A bonfire that required a bazillion feed sacks, enough diesel to run my truck for a week, a leaf blower, & 2 hours to get started!
-Josh transformed into an ice cream sundae. They were gonna do this to me but they couldn’t catch me!
-And last but not least….. The most painful student ministry game I’ve ever seen!
God Bless Y’all – Runks
“Why Runks, Why” – April 18, 2010
Join me now for a little recap of my crazy life on the road I like to call, “Why Runks, Why.”
-I’m Third DiscpleNow • Northview Baptist Church, Lewisville, TX
-Smallest event I’ve done in a while, 45 students, it was really nice to get spend more time with more students than usual.
-Working with my new friend, Nick Gainey, and the Nick Gainey band.
-3 Students giving their lives to Christ and many more coming home to make a fresh start.
-Staying in a hotel with a 24 hour starbucks!
-A highly inappropriate “proposition” from a drunk guy in the hotel lobby. –
-3 boxes of fiber bars and high school boys are not a good combination!
-I actually sang in a karoke contest. Â In your worst nightmares you cannot imagine how bad that was!
God Bless Y’all – Runks
Why Why Runks, Why???
“Why Runks, Why” – April 12, 2010
Join me now for a little recap of my crazy life on the road I like to call, “Why Runks, Why.”
– 3-Dnow • First Baptist Church • Allen, Texas
-Hanging out my my college buddy, Billy Baker, and getting to minister to his sons and their group.
-Ministering to several students dealing with incredibly difficult issues and plugging them into the help they need.
-Two meals at my favorite mexican food restaurant on planet earth within 14 hours, Uncle Julio’s!
-An absolutely awesome outpouring of God’s Spirit in the Saturday night service.
-Seeing an incredible amount of students come home to Jesus and turn away from tough sins in their lives.
-playing ridiculously stupid mystery games with a bunch of seniors… “are we in cahoots?”
-learning an incredibly dangerous game involving a pool table, a cue ball, and lots of running!
-Working with one of my favorite Bands: Branch -with the students at The Heights Baptist Church in Richardson, TX on Sunday morning.
-9 students trusting Jesus for the first time on Sunday morning!
God Bless Y’all – Runks