Some Teenagers got saved last night at Alto Frio! Best birthday present ever!!
Southbound and down! Headed to Alto Frio for camp number 6.
A bunch of teenagers got baptized last night in Lake Lavon!!!
Oh my gosh y’all! Another amazing night! God moved powerfully and a ton of hurting teenagers found hope in Christ tonight!!! Thank y’all so much for your prayers!!!
I wasn’t planning on sharing my abuse & addiction story at all this summer but every camp all summer, including this one, God had different plans. Lots of hurting teens here. Please pray for them tonight!!
A bunch of teenagers just got saved at Lake Lavon Baptist Camp!!
Water’s Edge Camp was awesome!! Now I gotta catch a quick flight to a new camp starting tonight at Lake Lavon Baptist Camp! I’d appreciate your prayers for energy and endurance!
Shared my story of how God brought me back from abuse & addiction tonight and it was one the most powerful movements of God I may have ever seen. TONS of broken and hurting teenagers found hope tonight! What was intended for evil, God is using for good!!!!
A bunch of teenagers got saved last night in Crockett, Texas!!!!!
Headed to Crockett, TX for a camp at Water’s Edge Encampment